1914 Model T Ford Tourer
Engine Type
Single block, 4 cylinder, side valve, thermosyphon cooling system.
Details of fuel & ignition system
Gravity feed fuel. Magneto powered trembler coil to each cylinder.
Pedal operated, two speed planetary trasmission.
How did you acquire the vehicle?
I first noticed the car in 1995 at the “T’s Alive” National Rally for Model T Fords in the Barossa Valley, South Australia, when Peter and his wife participated in the event.
I purchased the car from Peter in February 1998. Since then Marcia and I have attended three National Model T Ford Rallies at Goulburn, Renmark and Windsor. Also a Bush Council Rally in Parkes and a number of other events and club runs.
We have also attended three National seven day Veteran Car Rallies at Toowoomba in 2005, Canberra 2008 and Mittagong in 2011. A highlight was winning the Carnival of the Pines parade best dress and car in 2007.
The car is basically original with the correct engine number C17371, the correct headlights, etc. It is Monza red in colour painted with two pack paint. It has a good fitting top with side curtains and tonneau cover for conveyance on a trailer when the top is down.
My wife and I have attended to numerous adjustments and repairs since purchasing the car, including the removal of the motor to fit a new magneto.
Brief known history of the vehicle
The Model T Ford was purchased new in 1914 by Thomas Alfred Webb, a farmer of ‘Rosebank” Tarana near Bathurst. The car was driven by the Family for many years in the Tarana, Bathurst District and was eventually converted to a utility and used on the farm.
In 1959 George Green of Dover Heights in Sydney and his friend Bill Chadwick from Bathurst visited the property and inspected the car, which was on blocks in a barn on the property’ at Tarana. George discussed purchasing the car with Clement Webb, a bachelor and one of Thomas Alfred Webb’s sons; however he was undecided about selling the car.
In July 1961 after periodical visits and discussions Clement finally decided to sell the car on the condition he retain the utility body. The side and tail lights, which were hanging in the barn, with wire handles fitted were used as lanterns.
The car remained in its original condition for some 25 years and was used in various displays and charity events by George Green, with the Veteran Car Club in Sydney. Later an original tourer tub was acquired in Ipswich, Queensland and fitted to the car.
About 1986 the car in its original condition was sold to Ray Thomas in Newcastle. He retained the car for a short time and sold it in January 1987, still un-restored to Peter Rolfe of Bradbury in Sydney.
Peter Rolfe restored the car over a period of some 6 years. He joined the Model T Ford Club in Sydney and was assisted by members of the club with the restoration.
- Laurie McGrath