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1912 Daimler CC Double Decker Bus

Engine Type

Daimler 4 cylinder sleeve valve engine.
30 hp, 110mm bore, 150mm stroke.
Lubricated by oil pump which fills trough for splash. Lubrication connected to throttle linkage.
London “B” type double decker Dobson version bus body. Restoration completed by Nixons Engineering in Wagga Wagga NSW.

Details of fuel & ignition system

Bosch D4 magneto.


Daimler 3 speed rolla chain drive (which reduced noise for bus passengers), oil bath enclosed in aluminium case.
Daimler worm drive with axles splined to wheel hub flanges.

Brief known history of the vehicle

The Daimler bus was imported by the Melbourne Motor Omnibus Co Ltd in 1913 and was used in routes between East Brunswick, Swanston Street and St Kilda. The Daimler Buses were known for their smooth running engine, noiseless gears, and quiet easy manner in which the cone clutch started the vehicle moving. Around 1918 the bus was purchased by a Victorian farmer and used for many years. The Daimler ceased to be used when a conrod in the engine broke. It was pushed into a shed and left until its 2016 restoration.

Fun facts or any other details you’d like to include?

This is the oldest restored Daimler commercial vehicle in Australia, and likely the only working Daimler bus from this era in the world.

Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc. 


134 Queens Road,

Canada Bay 2046

Contact Us

Joint Patrons:

Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC 

Governor of New South Wales 

and Mr. Dennis Wilson

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