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Sydney North Breakfast Outing 01/03/2020

The first Sydney North Breakfast Outing for 2020 took us to Saddles Bakehouse - Eatery- Nursery at Mount White.

It was a lovely morning and five veterans made an appearance with a number of other members making the trip in their modern cars. There were well over 20 people in our group which was situated on the verandah overlooking the dam. Whilst it was a little warm in the sun at the eastern end of the tables it was a great spot.

Everyone seemed to enjoy their breakfast of both savoury and sweet offerings and many of the group had a look through the nursery before leaving. At least a few of us made purchases at the nursery. The very helpful and friendly nursery owner was quite surprised that we bought some plants as she said most of the car groups that visit don't like the idea of putting plants in their precious machines.

For most of those who attended it had been a few very busy days of Club activities, with the monthly meeting a few nights before where we had a very interesting talking from Chris Zoch of 'Zochy's Magneto's" and the Pre 1931 Swap Meet held at the Clubrooms on Saturday afternoon.


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Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc. 


134 Queens Road,

Canada Bay 2046

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Joint Patrons:

Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC 

Governor of New South Wales 

and Mr. Dennis Wilson

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