Graeme Newman
Feb 11, 2018
Cooranbong Breakfast Outing 10/02/18
We had a great roll up for the Newcastle Branch' second outing for the year. Again it was a breakfast outing which worked pretty well...

Graeme Newman
Oct 19, 2017
2017 National Vehicle Rally
The 2017 National Rally was based in the Clare from the 24/09/2017 to 29/09/2017. After registering at the show ground, participants...

Graeme Newman
Jul 5, 2017
2017 Singleton Tour
The Newcastle Branch 'winter tour' has been based at Singleton for 19 years now. This year we had better than average weather for this...

Graeme Newman
Apr 26, 2017
Newcastle Branch Breakfast Outing
After being postponed earlier in the year due to the forecast of extreme temperatures we were blessed with great day on Saturday 8th...