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2021 Singleton Tour 18-20 June

Everyone who attended the Singleton event this year just seemed to be really happy to once again have the chance to get away for a couple of days in their veteran and to be able to spend some time with car club friends.

Despite losing a few entries in the lead up to the weekend, there were still 15 cars and their crews gather at Nulkaba on a beautiful Friday morning, all keen for the days run.

After some morning tea and a few words of welcome from the Rally Director, we set out for the lunch stop at Wollombi, travelling through Kitchener, Paxton, Ellalong and Millfield on the way.

Whilst there were a few other visitors in Wollombi, we largely had the picnic area to ourselves. From Wollombi we continued our journey through Broke, where many of us grabbed an ice cream from the service station/general store before continuing to our destination at Singleton.

By the time we reached Singleton it had become quite cool, so only a few of us had a pre-pre-dinner drink together outside - others choosing to stay inside, until the actual pre-dinner drinks took place in the restaurant.

Saturday morning looked like quite a reasonable day for our run to Denman, however the forecast was for possible showers. From Singleton we travelled via Mount Thorley and Warkworth to Jerrys Plains for morning tea in the park. Judging by the number of caravans and motor homes in the nearby free camping ground, it is quite a popular stopover for the grey nomads too.

After morning tea we took the scenic route to Denman via Doyles Creek, Bureen and Dalswinton - all of which are really just localities rather than villages of any substance. Those of us who were picnicking shared our lunch spot in Remembrance Park with what appeared to be almost every under 10 year old child from the area and their families as the newly refurbished playground is obviously a very popular birthday party location. Others of our group were seen eating in the various cafes in the main street.

Towards the end of our appointed lunch time there were a few spots of rain, but nothing of any real concern. We then travelled the very short distance to the Mens Shed & adjoining Heritage Village for a look at their collection. Thankfully the threatening rain clouds seemed to go around us to the east, so we had a dry trip back to Singleton.

Saturday night we enjoyed another very sociable dinner in the motel restaurant before a few prizes were awarded to participants for a variety to achievements, such as 'First Timer', 'Warmest Crew', 'First Time Married on Tour' and a few others.

On Sunday morning we travelled back to Branxton through Sedgefield and Elderslie where we had morning tea together to mark the official end of the weekend's activities. By mid morning the weather was starting to deteriorate, and quite a few of us got a bit wet travelling home.

Overall a great weekend of veteran motoring and fellowship with other veteran enthusiasts. Thanks to John & Kelly for organising the event and to Joan and the other ladies who assisted with provided the very tasty morning tea treats.

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Veteran Car Club of Australia (NSW) Inc. 


134 Queens Road,

Canada Bay 2046

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Joint Patrons:

Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC 

Governor of New South Wales 

and Mr. Dennis Wilson

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